Today Joshua turned two years old. We are planning to have a small party for him later with our family, but since today was his actual birthday, we wanted it to be special. I am off work this week because of my paternity leave and vacation, so it worked out well. This morning we started with a piñata. It was shaped like a dinosaur, and because Joshua likes balls, and because we didn't feel the need to give him a million pieces of candy, we filled it with a few different kinds of squishy balls and bouncy balls. I had to explain the concept behind a piñata to him, but once he understood, he happily took the bat and attempted to knock the dinosaur back to the Jurassic Era. The piñata proved to be a little tougher than expected, so I pinch hit for Joshua and beat the dinosaur into extinction, and Joshua was pretty excited to see his bouncy ball guts spill out.
After his nap, we took the obligatory age sticker picture and then unveiled his main gift: a bounce house. Joshua loves jumping, so we figured he'd like his own bounce house, and he did. He bounced in it for quite awhile and seemed very happy. It's super easy to set up and take down, so it's something we can easily break out on any random day.
He played in the bounce house until dinner time, which consisted (not coincidentally) of two of his favorite things, mandarin oranges and macaroni and cheese. After dinner we did cards, the remaining presents, and cake. Meghan came up with the brilliant idea of a rice krispie cake, which was very easy to make, and Joshua loved it.
By the end of the day he was super tired, but he seemed to love the entire day beginning to end, which is what we wanted for him. In a way we're sad he's two, as it means he's growing up, but we're also excited for what the coming years will bring. Happy Birthday, Joshua!