Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rocking the Vote

Today is election day, the day when our country will determine if Obama and Biden or Romney and Ryan will lead our country for the next four years.  Although I could have done advance voting, there's something fun about going to the polls on the day of the actual election.  It's mostly ceremonial, though, as the electoral college system means that my vote will have no bearing on the presidential election, as Romney will easily win Kansas regardless.  There are a couple local races that might be close though, but mostly my vote consisted of confirming judges and voting for people who were destined to win because they were running unopposed or who were heavy favorites anyway.  I worked from home in the morning today and then went to vote around lunchtime, taking Joshua with me.  It's not something he'll remember, but it'll be fun for him to know in the future that he cast a ballot in the first presidential election of his life.  And he did actually cast the ballot.  After I entered all my choices on the digital screen (no hanging chads in this election), I let him push the Cast Ballot button.  Afterward, we each got one of the coveted "I Voted" stickers, showing that we did our part, even if it was largely inconsequential.

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