Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stud Finder

Joshua's at the age where he likes to imitate me and try to do things I'm doing.  We are in the process of rearranging his room to accommodate Clara's crib for when she's ready to start sleeping in it.  Joshua also loves to climb everything right now, so we decided we should anchor the dresser to the wall as part of the process.  Wanting to anchor it into a wall stud, I got my studfinder and used it to find the right place to drill.  Joshua had been watching and wanted to try it himself.  He had been paying attention, and he put it right up against the wall and started sliding it along, just like you're supposed to do.  He needs a little more practice, though, because he had it upside-down, but I was still impressed anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, those little ones are super sponges for knowledge. They will emulate their parents, speech, attitudes, facial expressions, posture etc. etc. - an awesome responsibility - kind of like that country western song about a dad and his son. No pressure (lol).
