Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A New Kind of Fun

I wasn't planning to introduce Joshua to playdough until he was a little older, but we got a free sample when we bought him some shoes recently so I decided to try it out. He doesn't really understand that you can mold it into imaginary things that much yet. And when I make things with it, he mostly finds value in destroying them. But he really thinks it's pretty awesome that you can make lots of balls out of it (since balls are his favorite thing in the world) and he also really likes stabbing it with a fork. We have talked a lot about how it's not for eating, just for playing and that we don't throw it so it's going pretty well and he seems to be enjoying it.

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute. Does he know how to smile for pictures now? It seems like he is smiling for the camera. :)
