Friday, May 25, 2012

Six Months

Yesterday Clara turned six months old. She is learning lots of new things. She has recently starting scooching with direction (to get something she wants), sort of like an army crawl. She is very close to crawling. She gets in the crawling position frequently and rocks back and forth, but then she isn't sure how to go. This actually really frustrates her and she'll sit there, in the crawling position, crying. I think we'll all be glad when she figures it out. She also can sit with assistance and is close to being able to get in the sitting position on her own. She does not think sitting is awesome, so this is something that we have to encourage by giving her a reason to sit, like a toy within reach. We haven't done a ton of solids yet. She so far can only do purees and is marginally okay with sweet potatoes, applesauce, and bananas, but not really thrilled with them. I have been trying to up the amount we are feeding her so she can get more used to them since I think it's just something that takes repeated exposure for kids to like. Now that she's sitting stably, we might also try offering her more types of food too.

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