Monday, June 11, 2012

The Avengers

You wouldn't know it by how many I see, but I actually love going to the movies.  But at this point in my life, it's just not something that happens often.  Recently, when The Avengers came out, it looked pretty good, even though I'm not all that interested in the comic book superhero movie genre.  But after basically every single person who saw it said it was really good, I decided I should see it.  Unfortunately several attempts to see it with various friends failed, but I was finally able to line up a time to see it late one night with my friend Nathan.  I was looking forward to getting my picture in front of the movie poster outside, but it seems the AMC Studio 30 doesn't do that anymore (or never did?), so instead I had to settle for this totally generic picture that has nothing to do with The Avengers in any way.  Boo to you, AMC Studio 30.

1 comment:

  1. Mark and I went to see that over Father's Day weekend - he really enjoyed seeing it. Action-adventure is one of his favorite types of movies. It's more of a guy flick but thought it was pretty good - how can you go wrong with good vs. evil and good coming out on top?
