Thursday, June 14, 2012

Poor Baby

My kids are basically never sick. So when Joshua was really crabby this morning, I thought it was weird, but I thought maybe he was overtired for some reason. And when I noticed he seemed warm I wondered why, but it took me a little while to realize he could have a fever and that I should take his temperature. He felt sick all day today and did have a fever, which to my knowledge is his first ever fever. Tylenol, unsurprisingly since I feel the adult pills are about as effective as sugar pills, did nothing, but when we switched to Advil, his fever came right down, but he definitely was not his usual energetic and cheerful self. Hopefully tomorrow he is feeling better. He is usually totally unwilling to lay down in any place other than his bed so the fact that he wanted to snuggle on the couch was definitely a key indicator he was not feeling like his normal self.


  1. Ahhhhh - hope little Joshua gets well soon.

  2. Thankfully, he was actually completely back to normal the next day.
