Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A New Look

My weekend project this weekend was to paint Joshua's dresser. It was previously brown and had knobs that matched his nursery theme. However, he hasn't had nursery bedding for almost a year so he needed something a little more classic. I painted it black and put on silver knobs. It is hard for me to be satisfied with any of my projects, because you are always really aware of any flaws when you do it yourself. This is no exception and I see some brush marks for sure. But overall I am fairly happy with how it turned out. I put some poly over the paint in hopes that will help it stand up to Joshua for awhile. I was able to do this project myself (except for the moving of the furniture) since we used all latex/water-based products and those are safe in pregnancy, so I was glad to get it done while Jason worked on other things.

1 comment:

  1. The dresser looks great! I agree, it's so hard to not critique your own work but I think you do an amazing job on the projects you undertake.
