Friday, April 6, 2012

Pretending to be a Mechanic

When I went to start my mower for the first time this year, it didn't start.  I don't know much, but I could still tell it was a carburetor issue.  One time several years ago I had the same problem and had to take the mower in to be fixed.  There was a four-week turnaround time, and it wasn't all that cheap.  So this time, I figured I might be able to do it myself.  Granted, my mechanical skills are similar to my woodworking skills, in that I basically have none. Still, I figure that with a little help from the internet, including some YouTube videos, I should be able to do it on my own.  It's not all that complicated, but it takes a little know-how, and while I don't have that know-how, the internet does.  So we'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard it said that intelligence doesn't necessarily mean that you know everything - just that you know how to find the answer or find someone who can solve the problem. Boy, I don't blame you for not wanting to go back to that guy - a month to fix a mower - ridiculous!
