Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Partially Handmade Christmas

Every Christmas, I like to give the kids something I make. I know I can't really compete with toys and I really don't try and consider my gifts more like stocking-stuffers, but I enjoy it and I also hope that as they get older, the kids also enjoy making gifts. This year I made satchels (which I mostly made from a pair of my old jeans, which means I am totally trendy because I "upcycle") and car wallets for the older two kids, booties for Hannah, and am now working on carseat ponchos. There is always a learning curve for any project and these are no exception, but everything is turning out reasonably well except the booties were too small so aren't usable. I had hoped to have all the ponchos done by Christmas, but my new goal is New Year's. However, I will finish Hannah's today. As the first one, hers is the prototype so will be the least good one, but I bought enough fabric to make her another one if it's too imperfect. I like working on my projects and creating stuff that actually gets used. I am pretty excited about having the ponchos done. It's been cold and current carseat safety rules say no jackets in carseats so the ponchos will be a way to keep them warm without having to do the jacket shuffling we currently do.

1 comment:

  1. Meghan I am so impressed! I think that is so cool that you are making all these things for the kids and I what a cute tradition you are starting.
