Wednesday, December 19, 2012

G-Zus Saves... You Money?

I'm in St. Louis for a business meeting tomorrow.  My friend Clint lives there, and similar to what I did nearly three years ago, I got in town early enough tonight to meet up with him.  Jen (who has since promoted Clint from fiance to husband) was working, but Clint and I ate dinner at the same Mexican restaurant we ate at last time (which is called Mi Ranchito but is completely different from the Mi Ranchito restaurants in Kansas City).  Afterward, we went back to his house, and Jen had returned home from work, so we all had a chance to catch up on births/adoptions, ostrich rides, and harrowing Central American vacations.  Later, Clint and I played together as K-State against Oregon in NCAA Football 13, as a preview of the Fiesta Bowl.  Let's hope it's not actually a preview, because we would have been 0-2 in our games if not for some timely resets in the final minutes.

Anyway, on the way back to his house, we took the "scenic" route through a struggling part of town and came across the business shown above.  I can't decide if it's sacrilegious or hilarious, but I think it's probably both.  G-Zus is your labor savior, which might mean he saves you from the labor of fixing your own car, which of course is actually what all mechanics do.  Regardless, next time you're in St. Louis, and you're looking for a mechanic who may or may not be skilled with vehicles but who has questionable marketing skills, you know where to go.  Or maybe he's a marketing genius, as this is sure to get people talking about his business.  Either way, thank you G-Zus for your photo-worthy signage!

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