Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gingerbread Fun

Tonight our advent activity was to decorate a gingerbread house (well we actually did a train since Joshua loves trains). This was a fun activity that involved both the eating of delicious things and art, so you can't really go wrong with that combination.

Hannah was definitely too young to participate, so she offered moral support from her high chair.

Clara wasn't that into decorating this year. I think she will enjoy it more next year. But she greatly enjoyed eating the gingerbread and candy. In fact, we didn't even decorate the boxcar because her main activity during decorating time was disassembling that, eating some of the gingerbread, and feeding the rest to the dogs. It was a very festive night for the pugs too. They got a lot of treats.

Joshua definitely was the most involved. He enjoyed sticking the candy on the frosting to make the train pretty, but not as much as he enjoyed eating the candy and gingerbread. It was a really fun night for all of us.I was a little hesitant to do this activity with the kids because it seemed like the potential for chaos was high, but I am very glad I took the chance. I did pre-assemble the train during their nap so they didn't have to wait while I did that before decorating and it also made the train a bit sturdier since the icing had time to set up before we decorated, but it went very well. 

It reminded me of the last time we did a gingerbread house which was the Christmas of 2001(!) when we had large blocks of free time, creativity that allowed us to say, "Why not make a gingerbread house from scratch" and youthful naivete that deluded us into thinking, "Yeah we can probably make that in a couple hours". You know it was a long time ago because I did scrapbooks by hand with the photos I took on actual film.

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