Monday, September 10, 2012

Book Time

Jason usually gets home about thirty minutes before dinner is ready. The kids are always really happy to see him and it gives them a short amount of playtime before we eat. Joshua usually has preferences on how to spend this time, most often involving a ball. But today he chose a book. For the first time, I have been using the library for books for him. Now that he is a little more interested in reading books rather than throwing them, I feel the books have a fighting chance of not being damaged, though I still wouldn't leave him with a library book unsupervised. And this month I have been trying to read him books about families, with the idea being that we will talk about a new baby as close as possible to my due date. I don't think he'll really get it, but it's the best we can do to prepare him in an age-appropriate way. Anyway, normally I am more of a book buyer, but I don't necessarily want to buy a bunch of books on one topic so the library is great for this type of thing. His favorite of the bunch so far is a book about a daddy bear and his child and the things they do together. He loves the illustrations and the text is just right for him. Clara was also happy to get in on the action, but I think she chose to climb the couch instead pretty quickly since her attention span is a little shorter than Joshua's.

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