Thursday, September 13, 2012



Joshua has had crayons for quite some time, but he doesn't really like to draw. They were pretty kid friendly and you don't have to press hard, but for some reason he just didn't like them. He did love taking them out and putting them in the box, but that's about it. So I decided to try some colored pencils. These have been much more of a hit, though his favorite part is still taking them out and putting them in the box. But now, before he starts that process, he does usually choose to draw for a short awhile, so that's a good way to help him develop his fine motor skills. So far he can draw lines and has also recently started to enjoy his magnadoodle more, which is great because it's a lot of effort to keep the coloring on the paper for me. He doesn't seem to really get that concept yet. Luckily crayon washes.

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