Saturday, July 21, 2012

Almonds, and Other Words

Every parent wants their kids to eat healthy snacks.  We've been lucky, because Joshua's favorite snack is almonds.  While they're not as healthy as, say, broccoli, they're way better than most things kids might want.  Here he throws down some delicious almonds as a late-afternoon snack.  Because of his love of them, he learned to say "almonds" so he could request them from us.  I realized since the last time I posted about his words, his vocabulary has grown dramatically.  We're no longer keeping track of every word, but some ones I can think of that he can now say in addition to the other ones are: sip, bite, eat, almonds, cheese, cracker, marshmallow, yogurt, fruit, soup, more, all done, down, hot, window, grass, bug, car, ride, dogs, baby, Clara, Natalie, Grandma, Grandpa, music, paper, again, right now, big boy, light, night night, diaper, blanket, hand, feet, tummy, teeth, eyes, ears, and nose.


  1. Does he still make that cute high pitch noise when he sees the cat?

  2. Yes, though now he also says kitty sometimes so it's probably going away soon :-(
