Sunday, July 1, 2012

One Down, One to Go

Today I finished my projects in Clara's room, so we are pretty much done with her room now except Jason is still working on her dresser. We did an owl theme. I didn't buy her a comforter set as I did with Joshua since I do plan on moving her to a toddler bed fairly early since it went so well with Joshua. I just sewed a wall hanging and bought some sheets instead, which was substantially less than a comforter set. This makes a lot of sense especially since it is a SIDS risk to use bumpers so those are a waste anyhow. I am fairly happy with how her room came out. I am really pleased with the letters, though not quite as thrilled with how the wall hanging came out. Next we are starting on Joshua's room.


  1. Looks good - it's always nice to cross a project off your to do list.

  2. Oh my gosh, it's so cute! Adorable room for an adorable little girl!

  3. So cute! I like the owls. I think she needs a "give a hoot, don't pollute" picture :)
