Monday, July 16, 2012

Temporary Goodbye

Since I quit my job, today was the last day for the kids to the spend the afternoon at the Becks. It was a little sad since they always have such a great time there and Joshua especially loves it and some of his early words were "Rylie" and "Ellie". Once I have the baby, we plan to have them go again, at least for awhile, since I am sure I will need some help while we are settling into a new schedule with three. Today they went outside. Clara was having a good time in the swing until she just couldn't keep her eyes open anymore and fell asleep and Joshua had a fun time in the sprinkler with his friend Kaitlyn.

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Clara cracks me up. I can't believe you are about to have three kids under three! That's great that you'll get to stay home with them.
