Sunday, July 22, 2012

Safari Maze

I check almost daily, and one of the subsites is  Recently I noticed an item that I couldn't pass up.  It was a safari maze, or at least that's what it was called.  The pseudo-animal print patterns apparently qualify it as "safari".  "Maze" also seems like a bit of a stretch, because there are no wrong turns, but whatever.  It was being sold at a steep discount (which is sort of Woot's thing), and it seemed like the kind of thing Joshua would like.  I checked the reviews to make sure other people said it would stand up to rough kids (Joshua's not known for being gentle with his toys), and all my concerns were addressed, so I ordered it.  It arrived, and I set it up, and at first Joshua wasn't sure what to do with it, but once I showed him, he was pretty excited.  Clara also got into the act and enjoyed crawling through the tubes.  So far, it's definitely a good purchase.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Jason. I think kids like going through tunnels regardless of the theme/materials they are made from. Looks like you found a fun indoor activity.
