Saturday, July 14, 2012

Movie Night

Jason is out of town all weekend for work. That hardly ever happens, but it's really hard when it does because it's very tiring for me to not have much of a break for two weeks since he also has to go back to work as normal on Monday. Since I still wanted us to have a fun weekend even with Jason being away, Joshua and I had pizza for dinner tonight and we also watched the last 30 minutes or so of The Karate Kid with Jaden Smith. This really held Joshua's attention as it was mostly the climactic championship match and Joshua loves watching sports. He was pretty into it and even clapped when Jaden Smith won. He actually temporarily lost interest in his pizza so he could focus more on the movie, so that tells you it was pretty compelling. Previously he hasn't shown much interest in TV except for sports so this was one of the first times he has shown interest in a show or movie. Even though I missed the first 3/4 of the movie, I feel completely confident that I understand the entire story line fully, so really it was a big time saver to watch only the end.

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