Thursday, July 12, 2012

Close to Two

I cannot believe it, but somehow my baby isn't anything like a baby anymore and instead is a toddler. Today he is 1 and 3/4 so only three months away from being two years old. It didn't seem like that big of a deal when he turned one, but I think I will be a little sad when he turns two because it seems so grown up compared to one. Joshua has been talking up a storm in the past few months and knows so many words and understands even more. He remains very active and still wants to go outside every single day, even when it is over 100 degrees out. We have had some sharing issues with Clara as he has taken more ownership of his toys and she has also become more mobile, but overall he is a very loving brother to her. He really likes to share food and drink (either as the giver or receiver) and here you will see him hold one of his megablocks. Not only does he like building with these, but he considers them cups and likes receiving sips of my water in the block to drink. That is probably his favorite way to share that doesn't involve a special treat. He has recently gotten a little bit more engaged in the books we read, which is exciting since I want him to love reading, but it has been a struggle to get him to want to read books rather than throw them. He has a renewed love of climbing, which we are trying to redirect that energy as he has recently been excited to climb the cabinets in the kitchen to better reach the counter-tops and also is trying to climb the refrigerator. His favorite toys are his megablocks, play dishes and food, and any ball, but especially his K-State football. His favorite foods are any kind of fruit, yogurt, and marshmallows. He really loves almonds as well and begs for them, but he doesn't always like chewing them since they are a crunchier food so sometimes they become a snack for Terrence.

1 comment:

  1. I believe I gave him that K-State football for his first birthday :-)
