Friday, August 24, 2012

9 Months

Today Clara turned 9 months old. She is becoming quite a big girl. She is self-feeding and eating more solid foods and can stand without pulling up and without assistance for several seconds. Drinking water is her favorite thing to eat or drink by far. She has gotten more used to our routine as well and now accepts that we eat breakfast in the high chair and other things like that, though she still doesn't ever think a nap is a good idea (but then again, Joshua is a year older and he also doesn't think that so maybe it just doesn't happen). She is a pretty good sleeper, but we have been doing one late-night bottle still to get in more calories. As long as the pediatrician thinks it's okay at our visit next week, we plan to stop that and get her sleeping all night. She likes playing with her toys and dancing to music and doing anything with Joshua (except taking a bath. She hates baths). This month she learned to clap well and wave a little and will repeat "mama", though I don't feel confident she knows what it means so I don't count it as her first word yet, but it is her first purposeful sound. She also is finally big enough to move up to the next size of clothing, so that's good. Although because she is small for a stander, things like pajamas are a challenge since they don't have the non-slip feet in that size. I am going to have to look around for a solution for the winter. Right now she just goes barefoot during the day and is happy that way.

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