Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dishwashing Assistant

We go through a lot of dishware for Joshua and Clara, from plates to bowls to drinking cups to sippy cups to bottles.  We could wash that stuff in the dishwasher, but we use the heated dry setting on our dishwasher, and that can be tough on plastics, so we just wash those items, in addition to the bibs, in the sink.  It actually doesn't take very long, and we know it'll increase the lifespan of the items.  Usually we do this after Joshua has gone to bed, but one time recently Meghan was doing it during the day, and Joshua noticed and decided he needed to be a part of it.  He absolutely loved it.  Since then, if he sees us near the sink washing anything, he thinks it's time to wash the dishes, so he pushes a kitchen chair over to the sink so he can stand on it to help.  He loves moving things around in the soapy water and holding things under the faucet to rinse them.  As with other endeavors, he's not quite as helpful as he thinks he is, but it's still fun to have him involved, especially because it gives him so much joy to be a part of it.

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