Monday, August 13, 2012

Dresser Cleaner

After finishing staining on the dresser, I moved it up to Clara's room, but I hadn't noticed how dusty it was on the inside.  I went downstairs to get a wet rag, and while I was down there I saw Joshua and realized this is the kind of thing he'd really like.  He's sort of a clean-freak and likes to point out messes (either with an "Uh-Oh!" or a "YUCKO!" depending on the situation) but also enjoys cleaning them up.  So we went upstairs and I gave him the rag, told him what needed to be done, and he went to town.  Although he got a large portion of each section, he couldn't quite get along all the edges, so I borrowed the cloth briefly at the end of each section to clean the parts he couldn't get.