Friday, August 3, 2012

A New Style

Today I cut Clara's hair. I was very nervous to do it because she isn't going to hold still, but I couldn't see paying someone to do it when she would move constantly for anyone. I evened out her wings on the side and also gave her some bangs. I did it now because I figured if it came out horribly, we would have plenty of time for it to grow out before her birthday. But it really came out pretty well. It isn't exactly straight in every place, but it isn't bad and I really like her with bangs. I do plan to take her to a professional closer to her first birthday to even it out, but in the meantime, it is cute. Here is her new style, though it is combed a bit weirdly in this photo since she lost patience with me touching her hair and wouldn't let me comb it.

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