Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pseudo Potty Training

Since Joshua is not yet two and I don't really want to focus on potty training before the baby comes anyhow, we have been letting him take the lead on it. Right now, he is pretty interested in it so he has been sitting on the potty at every diaper change and actually going the vast majority of the time, which is great. Today he said he wanted to wear underwear so I let him (with plastic pants on). He did very well with it. I am not sure he is really at the point where he would tell me if he had to go, but I had him sit on the potty every 30 or 45 minutes and he went every time and had no accidents from the time he woke up from his nap until bed time. I doubt this is something we will be doing every day since I would only do it if he wants to, but I am glad he is figuring out how it works and hopefully that will make potty training easier when we do really focus on it.

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