Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bath Time

Joshua has liked water for a very long time, but his enjoyment of baths has definitely grown in the past few months. Our friends, the Bartons, got him a mini-basketball toy for the bath and, given his huge love of any kind of ball, it is definitely the hit of bathtime at this point. He also really likes his boat (which is on the other end of the tub in this picture) because it plays music. But mostly he likes pouring and dumping water and splashing and being wet. Clara is not at all a fan of bathtime, though she will tolerate having her hair washed if she doesn't have to sit in water. But it probably makes it extra hard for her because everytime she is in the bathtub with Joshua, he wants to wash her hair himself, which mostly consists of him dumping water on her head. Joshua doesn't mind too much having water dumped on his own, so it's hard to explain to him why it may be a problem for Clara (this is a similar issue we have with him throwing balls at Clara's face. Joshua loves having balls throws at his face. He thinks it's hilarious).

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